“There has to be something similar for men…”

This is the phrase that started it all.

We were walking in the country, close to home. It was winter and it was cold.

Until then we "shared" creams and beauty routines (yes, in addition to partners, we are a couple). Iñaki began to regret not having his own products and always ending up smelling of roses and jasmine, Naiara that hers would run out prematurely.

So we look for a male version. The requirements? That it was sustainable, that it was made with natural ingredients and that its aromas were masculine.

We didn't find it.

The next thing was a “what if…?”. The rest is history.

Backture Organics has been created over a year and a half based on walks in the fresh air to be the organic men's beauty brand that we were looking for, but could not find.

That being the case, how could it not be linked to nature?

3 años de investigación y desarrollo. Foto de archivo

Productos formulados para la piel del hombre.

A finales de 2020 surge la chispa, y nuestra inquietud y una necesidad personal nos llevan a crear nuestro equipo estelar:

  • un duo de expertas en piel, y en cuidarla con productos orgánicos de la más alta calidad,
  • una experta en perfumería, aromaterapia y esencias naturales,
  • y un laboratorio independiente especializado en cosmética natural,

nos acompañan en esta expedición hacia una piel masculina sana, cuidada y atractiva.

Hemos extraído los activos orgánicos más puros de la naturaleza para cuidar de la piel del hombre desde lo más profundo.

Creando la primera marca Española de alta cosmética orgánica masculina 100% natural.