Shaving is the number 1 cause of skin irritation in men. The biggest stressor you suffer from and the one that can cause the most skin conditions.

In addition, one of the reasons why men's skin ages faster.


Men's cosmetics, men's cosmetics, men's skincare. What happens if I don't use aftershave? These are the consequences of not taking care of your skin.


Surely you have noticed on more than one occasion that after using the razor or razor, your skin is tense, tight and sore.

And surely on more than one occasion, you have been more lazy than anything else and have left home as soon as you have finished using the razor with that feeling of irritation that has accompanied you throughout the day.

It is at this moment that you begin to doubt your choice. And to wonder what happens if you don't use aftershave after shaving.

Well, the answer is that you can suffer several negative consequences for your skin, such as:

  • Irritation : Shaving causes friction between the blade and the skin, which can cause microcuts, redness, burning or itching. If you don't apply a product that soothes and repairs your skin , irritation may worsen and last longer, which can affect your comfort and appearance.


  • Dryness : Shaving eliminates the hydrolipid layer of the skin, which is what keeps it hydrated and protected. If you do not apply a product that restores hydration and protection to the skin , dryness can increase and cause tightness, peeling or cracks, which can affect your health and beauty.


  • Inflammation : Shaving can cause an inflammatory reaction in the skin, which manifests itself as swelling, heat or pain. If you do not apply a product that reduces inflammation and prevents infection , the inflammation can persist and become complicated, which can affect your well-being and your image.


Men's cosmetics, men's cosmetics, men's skincare. What happens if I don't use aftershave? These are the consequences of not taking care of your skin.


  • Infection : Shaving can open the door for bacteria, viruses or fungi to enter the skin, which can cause infections such as folliculitis, pseudofolliculitis, boils or cellulitis. If you do not apply a product that has antiseptic and healing properties, the infection can spread and require medical treatment, which can affect your health and self-esteem.


  • Aging : Shaving can accelerate the skin aging process by exposing it to external agents that cause oxidation and degradation of cells, such as the sun, pollution or stress. If you do not apply a product that has antioxidant and regenerating properties, aging can become visible in the form of wrinkles, spots, sagging or loss of luminosity, which can affect your youth and attractiveness.


As you can see, not using aftershave can have very negative consequences for your skin, and therefore, for your health and well-being. It is an essential step in your shaving routine (link post shaving routine).

We recommend THE POTION 100% natural facial serum for men , which penetrates the deepest layers of your skin, hydrating and repairing it from within. Initially designed as an aftershave, thanks to feedback from our customers it has become the favorite organic men's serum in the male facial routine. Used to soothe, heal and repair the skin after shaving. 


Men's cosmetics, men's cosmetics, men's skincare. What happens if I don't use aftershave? These are the consequences of not taking care of your skin.


​​Its firming, anti-aging, healing and moisturizing benefits are the best ally to take care of men's skin. This facial serum composed of 15 botanical active ingredients with a dry texture and rapid absorption helps you:

- Soothe and soothe your sensitive and irritated skin after shaving .

- Prevent the appearance of post-shave pimples .

- Keep oily skin at bay.

- Nourish dry and cracked skin, and revitalize dull skin.


A facial serum for men that penetrates the deepest layers of your skin, hydrating and repairing it from within.

For an optimal men's skin care routine, apply THE POTION every time you shave or trim your beard . Shaving isn't over until you soothe, repair and protect your skin.

A small amount is enough to cover the face and neck. Gently massage into the skin with upward movements for complete absorption. You will see that although it is an oil, it is quickly absorbed and its aromas calm and give you a feeling of warmth and well-being.

Remember that your skin is the largest organ in your body, and it deserves all your attention and care.